Having an impact-making headshot is more important than ever nowadays. A good headshot gives people an idea of your personality before they meet you. To have a visually pleasing image may be the very reason why a potential client may choose your business and make initial contact with you, a potential employer may choose your application or a Model/Actor agency may choose you. Of course, obviously other factors come in to play as well but the initial contact is almost always your headshot. This is why the importance of having a professional, good quality, well lit headshot is of the upmost importance. After all, first impressions….etc!

Here are five reasons why you should have a professional headshot.

  1. It conveys your professionalism.
  2. It gives the viewer a sense of who you are and your personality.
  3. It supports and enhances your experience and skills
  4. It reminds business contacts who you are
  5. It’s a boost to your self confidence to share a good quality headshot and can encourage you to accept challenges.

For a quotation and availability contact Paula at 087 6363960 or email info@paulamalomecarty.com

We’d be delighted to speak with you about your Head Shots.

You can visit our headshot portfolio gallery here!

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